G7 of Bars

The G7 forum of Bars brings together Bar Associations and Law Societies from the G7 countries:  Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USA and the UK. It was established in 2019 when France held the Presidency of the G7.

The G7 format is a platform for dialogue and discussions on topics, which are of high importance and relevance for the legal profession worldwide. This includes a wide variety of topics including questions addressing legal ethics, digitisation, professional law and other practical matters, such as recently economic support by governments for lawyers and law-firms, which have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. A resolution regarding the latter was adopted during the 2021 virtual summit and then forwarded to the respective governments. An important focus is also on human rights and rule of law issues, particularly with regard to lawyers under pressure who, as guardians of the rule of law, deserve particular solidarity.

The G7 Bars are closely engaged in a political dialogue with their own governments. The resolutions adopted during  the G7 Bars summits are used for lobbying both domestically and international.

The G7 summit 2022 will take place in Germany.


Statements to the situation in Afghanistan

The escalated situation in Afghanistan in August 2021 has left human rights defenders, especially women lawyers and judges, with the terrible threat of ruthless reprisals. The G7 of Bars urge respective governments in their joint statement to ensure the safety of this category within the Afghan legal profession.

G7 Statement on crimes in Ukraine

On 24 November 2022, after successful  consultations in Miami in frames of the IBA Annual Conference, the G7 of Bars issued a joint statement welcoming the first ever meeting of the G7 Ministers of Justice and welcoming the fact that they will coordinate with regard to the investigation of crimes under international law in Ukraine