About the DAV

The German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein – DAV) is the voluntary association of German lawyers. The DAV unites more than 60,000 lawyers and lawyer-notaries organised in 253 local bar associ­ations in Germany and abroad.  It represents the interests of the German legal profession at national, European and interna­tional level.

Through its 40 legislative and specialised committees, working in all possible legal areas, the DAV comments on legislative proposals on national and European level. They influence the parlia­mentary decision-making process both in Germany and Europe. Further, the DAV has over 30 sections ranging from family law to sports and IT law, which offer training, special­i­sation and a forum for exchange.

Interna­tional activity of the DAV

The Department for Interna­tional and EU Affairs and Human Rights is at the core of the interna­tional work of the DAV, which can be divided in three main areas:  

EU Affairs: Effective awareness of the legal profession’s interests at the European level is indispensable considering the ever rising importance of European legislation. Therefore, the DAV represents the interests of the German legal profession through its Brussels office, both regarding profes­sional law and in numerous other legislative procedures that are important to the legal profession in terms of material law.

Interna­tional Affairs:  The interna­tional department of the DAV co-ordinates the DAV’s activities abroad and is a contact point for foreign (lawyer) delegations. Exchange and information are the primary focus of these interna­tional activities. This includes projects and cooperation with other Bar Associ­ations  as well as Interna­tional Lawyer organi­sations, such as the Interna­tional Bar Association (IBA).

Human Rights: The protection of fundamental and human rights is one of the core objectives of the German Bar Association (DAV), which is also reflected in its statute. In 2010, the DAV committee for human rights was established to serve this purpose. All activities are designed to strengthen human rights through means of law, especially in areas in which the profes­sional activity of lawyers is being put into question or in cases where citizens’ access to legal assistance is difficult or absent.

The interna­tional activity of the DAV also extends in other areas beyond the work of the department. The Section for Interna­tional Business Law (ARGE IWR) is a forum for lawyers specialised in interna­tional affairs and offers a wide range of training opportu­nities and a forum for exchange in this field.

The DAV committee on Corporate Social Respon­si­bility and Compliance is a panel of experts from various legal fields, dedicated to the interdis­ci­plinary legal field of Corporate Social Respon­si­bility, with frequent publications inter alia in the Anwaltsblatt CSR series, the monthly bulletin of the DAV, , and committed to participate in public consul­tations both at national and European level on legislative projects concerning Environ­mental Social Governance matters by frequent position papers.

The DAV also takes part in the initiative “Law Made in Germany”, which advertises the benefits of German law as part of European codifi­cation law: legal certainty, predictability, afford­ability and enforce­ability. Finally, through its 13 local bar associ­ations abroad in countries like France, Austria, Italy or Greece, the DAV offers German lawyers abroad the possibility to build a network and profit from the advantages of DAV-membership even when exercising their profession outside of Germany.

Our mission statement

Deutscher Anwaltverein brings together more than 60,000 lawyers and notaries who are organized in 253 local bar associ­ations in Germany and abroad. Lawyers are voluntarily involved in our 16 regional associ­ations, over 30 sections as well as 40 legislative and expert committees. The mission statement formulates the tasks, goals and perspectives of Deutscher Anwaltverein and its member associ­ations.

We fight for the interests of the legal profession

We are the free voice of the legal profession. We stand up for the interests of all lawyers. We accompany the regional bars construc­tively, but also critically.

We stand up for justice and freedom and democracy

We fight for the rule of law, democracy and human rights in Europe. We defend the freedom and independence of the legal profession that we won in the 19th century. We are committed to access to justice for everyone.

We are the largest network of lawyers

We offer lawyers platforms for networking, continuing education and engagement. We bring together the legal profession in all its diversity.

We support lawyers

We have a solution for (almost) all business-related, organi­za­tional and personal issues of the legal profession.

We want to inspire everyone to become a lawyer

We encourage promote the next generation. Practicing law is not a question of gender, sexual identity, origin or disability. Where disadvantages exist, we want to eliminate them. That is what we are committed to!